how to drive growth in 2021

how to drive growth in 2021

from: 101 leaders share how to drive growth in 2021 by Jayne Morehouse, The Beauty Industry Report

privé ceo, Shay Hoelscher was featured in the beauty industry report discussing driving growth in 2021. 

the most important learning for me and my team this past year was to be flexible and agile.  given how challenging the business conditions have been throughout most of 2020, we stretched to find new ways to reach customers, worked to find new channels to sell into, and as we went through the year, we realized the old ways of doing business in the salon industry don’t work today. we are not going to return to old business models. going forward, first develop a strategy to add alternate channels to connect your products and brand more directly to the consumer.  start by expanding your presence in social media and other direct-to-consumer platforms.  there are resources in the industry ready to help companies with new and innovative means to reach consumers. 

second, take advantage of the changing buying habits of consumers who are working from home.  make it easy for them to research the value of your products and make online purchasing simple and fast for them. a strong digital presence that gives your brand an emotional connection to its customers will help it stand out in a crowded marketplace. the bottom line: get closer to your customers every way possible.

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